Thompson Hall 101, University of Washington, Seattle – Tuesday, October 18th – 4:30 PM

India’s Queer Cinema: Not Many Sinners, presented by Lyle Pearson

Despite a rich tradition of queer mythology in India, Henry the VIII’s anti-buggery law took effect as part of British imperialism in 1860. Presently, many depictions of homosexuality in Indian film endeavor to overturn this law, known as Section 377, rather that to perpetuate it.

My Child is Gay and I’m Happy, Sopan Muller, 2016, Hindi / English, 32 min

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A series of interviews of some remarkable parents whose children are from the LGBT community. It shows their journey from being unsuspecting and often accepting, to the caring, supportive parents they are today. The film is an important documentary which gives the viewer a peak into the lives of the LGBT community, in the conservative society of India, where homosexuality continues to be a crime.

Dancing Queens: It’s all about Family, Jeff Roy, 2016, hindi / english, 10 min

A documentary short featuring bittersweet stories from Mumbai’s premiere professional LGBT dance troupe known as the “Dancing Queens.” Taking place over the course of five years, Dancing Queens captures the heartache of losing out to discrimination, the triumph of family, and all the dances in-between.