Tasveer Reels
And I Do Survive
Sunday March 8th, 2009, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
University of Washington, Ethnic Cultural Center, Black Room
3931 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105
cost: Donations $5-20 Accepted; none required
Hima B presents And I Do Survive, a story about a Trinidadian lesbian who makes her home in a country that denies her citizenship because she is HIV+. Hima will also show “Sistahs Survive and Thrive,” a living HIV/AIDS quilt by/for women/girls. A discussion and media-making workshop follow the screening. Share your story! Bring your digital camera, videocam, and/or cell phone so that you can contribute your story and/or AIDS tips to the quilt.
Hima B. is a queer South Asian and an independent writer/director/producer who makes social issue documentaries, narratives, experimental films and videos that explore the intersections of race, gender, sexual orientation, labor, and economics, especially as they impact LGBTQ people and women/girls.
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