Thompson Hall 101, University of Washington, Seattle – Tuesday, October 18th – 7:00 PM

The Unnamed, Tauquir Ahmed, 2016, Bangla, 90 min

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Oggatonama (The Unnamed) is a film about local Life, Love and Hope while portraying a strong message of global Humanity.

The central character, a poor farmer from a remote Bangladeshi village facing challenges, from bureaucracy, from his peers and also from the traditional mindset after receiving the dead body of an ‘Oggatonama’ – the unnamed. Circumstances challenge him to face a situation involving the death news of his son who was an expatriate, working in the middle east as an unskilled labor. The story portrays a typical Bangladeshi village, its inhabitants and economic strength through export of manpower but a lot of these exports involves illegal human trafficking, mistrust and broken hopes.

The Unnamed will be submitted for Oscar consideration by Bangladesh.