Northwest Film Forum, October 6th, 5:30pm
29 mins || Language || Pakistan || 2018
Zahida Kazmi is the first female taxidriver in Pakistan and a local legend. Independent, feisty and street-wise, she is a master hustler. Twice a widower and 56 years old, she is fighting to make a living on the dusty roads of Rawalpindi. Also a mother to 7 year old Zara, she is continually juggles her home life with behind the wheel. Reciting beautiful poetry in quiet nostalgic moments off the road, Zahida reflects on her fate. Zahida is a fascinating insight into the trials faced by a determined woman carving her own path within a patriarchal society.
Director’s Bio
Seemab Gul is an independent filmmaker with a BA in Fine Art and an MA in Filmmaking from the prestigious London Film School. Her work has been supported by Channel 4, CBA WorldView, Al Jazeera and Arts Council England. She field produced a documentary ‘The Kingdom of Mr.Edhi’ that won the Silver Award at Biarritz FIPA.
She was a camera operator for the Oscar-nominated Italian director on a documentary called ‘Qualcosa di noi’. Seemab’s works have premiered in HotDocs, SXSW, Sheffield Doc Fest, Geneva Contemporary Art Centre and many international festivals and galleries. Seemab’s portfolio includes documentaries, drama, hybrid films and art installations.